
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
Moving FORWARD requires STRENGTH
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
0 Reposts Mar 02, 2015
Being the person you want to be requires growth and change in every aspect of your life -- Get out of your comfort zone!
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
0 Reposts Feb 17, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
0 Reposts Jun 11, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
0 Reposts Jun 06, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2014
Sometimes it's hard to get motivated when you're not seeing the results you want yet. Keep going! You'll see it :)
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
0 Reposts Jun 02, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
1 Repost May 14, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Karmasabitch
0 Reposts May 13, 2014