
She said it best
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Posted by Jstone403
0 Reposts Jul 13, 2013
Cut the BS it's GO time
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Posted by Jstone403
4 Reposts Jun 22, 2013
Gym time. Shoulders. Will post work out after I'm done. LET'S DO THIS!!!
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Posted by Jstone403
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Hahaha had to post this. There's no easy way. You have to eat clean and earn it. Random pic sent to me by my friend. Haha
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Posted by Jstone403
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
Found this on the internet. Facebook (LifeSuccess Credit to him or who ever made this. This is very inspirational. So lets go and destroy day 3
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Posted by Jstone403
2 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
Try to be better then the yesterday you. Today! keep moving forward
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Posted by Jstone403
0 Reposts Jun 18, 2013
I love this quote "anonymous " #Getfitordietryin
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Posted by Jstone403
1 Repost Jun 18, 2013