
Success doesn't come easy. The trials and tribulations, and most of all how you handle adversity is what will ultimately define how successful you are. Keep a positive mindset, have faith, overcome anything thrown at you, and be great.
Be positive and constantly hold yourself accountable to reach your dreams. Put it out there and the universe will conspire to make it happen. Dream big, believe in yourself, believe in others, and have faith. Life is beautiful.
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
0 Reposts Jun 01, 2014
Each day is a new opportunity. Make the most out of it, don't let the previous day impact the current day. Live in the now and take the steps right now to become the best version of yourself. Life is a journey of progression.
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
0 Reposts Jun 01, 2014
Never put a restriction to what you are capable of. We cannot put a limit to what we can achieve because we are constantly pushing ourselves one step further and proving the impossible is possible. Believe in yourself and make your dreams a reality.
The bigger your dreams are the more hate and doubt you are going to receive. Use that as fuel and motivation to not only prove to yourself what you are capable of but make your mark on this world and show all the haters that the sky is the limit.
Don't worry about others around you. Focus on you and make sure that every night before you go to bed you can look yourself in the mirror and say I was the best possible me today.
No matter what you are going through keep your head up and make it happen. You have dreams, goals, and expectations for your future. Do not allow anything to get in the way. As CT Fletcher would say "Its still your Mutha F*%#$*# set"!!!
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
1 Repost Dec 28, 2013
Its only human to be tired and worn out however it takes a real committed and motivated individual to take the tiredness head on and give it your all. Regardless of the outcome, if you gave it everything you have you were successful.
Once you know and truly embrace who you are you are able to realize what your own personal meaning of life is. Idc if that's to be the next Mr/Ms. Olympia or to flip burgers at BK. Be true to yourself, and know you can make any dream a reality.
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
2 Reposts Dec 22, 2013
This is my thought process for the night. This doesn't just go for working out, this goes for every single aspect of life. The downs in your life are simply a learning experience that will allow you be better, push harder and succeed next time around
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
0 Reposts Dec 22, 2013
I absolutely love this! Like it or not the people around you impact you every single day. If you constantly have people pushing you to be better and dream big you will. By doing this you will see results that at times even u couldn't imagine.
By committing to yourself and KNOWING you can accomplish anything you set your mind to you can make it happen. Don't just think, know. Everyone is a success in their own way, embrace who you are and make your success happen.
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
1 Repost Dec 17, 2013
This is what I needed to hear today. No matter how tired you are or what you may have going on commit yourself to excellence and never ever quit. Seize the day and make your dreams come true one step at a time.
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
0 Reposts Dec 17, 2013
It's all about the mindset. Stay positive, and let that guide you to success. Never doubt yourself not even for a second. You can be who you want to be no matter what obstacle you have to overcome.
The beauty about life is the mass amount of differences between every single individual and the fact that everyone has something new to bring to the table. Be you, love who you are, and change for no one.
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
2 Reposts Dec 15, 2013
I will never stop believing in myself.
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
2 Reposts Dec 15, 2013
Love this - choose not to be scared and commit yourself to any goal regardless of the obstacles in your way.
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Posted by JointJuiceJosh
3 Reposts Dec 15, 2013