
prove them wrong
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
0 Reposts Feb 23, 2016
Cause in the end, all that really matters is how you see yourself
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
1 Repost Sep 23, 2015
I love my fear
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
1 Repost Sep 15, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by JoeyPagels84
0 Reposts Sep 10, 2015
The first and hardest part is Starting, the rest is downhill from there and then it becomes addicting!!!
Yes Indeed!!
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
0 Reposts Sep 04, 2015
I hope I can inspire people
It's up to you to change
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
0 Reposts Aug 24, 2015
I will do whatever it takes
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
1 Repost Aug 21, 2015
Do it for yourself
Yes They will
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
0 Reposts Aug 12, 2015
I've fallen several times but I'm still standing tall because I won't give up
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
1 Repost Aug 11, 2015
it's up to me to be the person I want to be
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Posted by JoeyPagels84
2 Reposts Aug 11, 2015