
Think happy thoughts and make awesome changes!
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Sep 25, 2015
This really does work! lol
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Sep 23, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Sep 23, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Apr 21, 2015
I keep repeating this as I drink my raw green juice. lol
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Apr 21, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Apr 21, 2015
There is always an excuse, don't be the one who always finds it!
Call me crazy, insane, over the top, or just plain ridiculous as long as you never call me ordinary! Fitting in just isn't my destiny but sometimes the best veiws are found on the paths no one has walked yet.
This week brings new challenges and new opportunity. Never let the fear of the unknown scare you off!
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
1 Repost Mar 03, 2015
Daily dose of truth, 2/27/15.
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
1 Repost Feb 26, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Feb 26, 2015
Well said and very true. :)
My number one quote for today. How bad do you want it? :)
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Feb 24, 2015
Never be afraid to try!
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
2 Reposts Feb 24, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Feb 24, 2015
This is a quote that really speaks to me, perhaps even my favorite.
Reaching greatness doesn't mean you had an easy journey, it simply means you never lost your will to pick yourself up and keep going!
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Feb 23, 2015
Happy Monday! Go get it!!
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Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Feb 23, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Jennifercrafts
0 Reposts Feb 23, 2015