
This how i feel sometimes, lmao, how many of ya feel this way after one day at the gym. Def have to believe in yourself, slow progress is good progress
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Posted by Jayk9305
1 Repost May 22, 2014
Happy tuesday everybody, tip of the day. Think of fat loss more so then weight loss. The more muscle you build the more fat you burn (fat cell will shrink not actual burn off) you look slimmer/fit. Also best to measure your physique .
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Posted by Jayk9305
0 Reposts May 21, 2014
Tell me more, what else is so unnatural about lifting weight and living healthy, and pushing myself to my full potential.... please do go on Live. Love. Lift Don't let anybody tell you other wise
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Posted by Jayk9305
0 Reposts May 17, 2014
Please join me to save a kittens, so do one additional after one rep left, all reps are gladly appreciate. So join me and lets save one kitten at a rep time. Live. Love. Lift Follow me on Instagram @fitnessj87
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Posted by Jayk9305
2 Reposts May 14, 2014
No excuses guys, we spend more time BullSh*tting around, so get up and get going. Im heading to the gym now, come with me and lets lift, lets get fit, lets live a healthier life....... Live Love Lift Follow me on instagram @fitnessj87
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Posted by Jayk9305
0 Reposts May 14, 2014
I want to make a difference in people lives, and because of you guys i became a better CPT, soon to be by NASM. I inspire you, and you inspire me Live. Love. Lift
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Posted by Jayk9305
1 Repost May 12, 2014
I know why i started, so never quitting, what is quitting?!?! Tell me why u started?
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Posted by Jayk9305
0 Reposts May 12, 2014
which will you choose, I choose to keep going. no quitting now follow me on instagram @finestj87
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Posted by Jayk9305
0 Reposts May 10, 2014
One piece at a time, Create yourself to be amazing
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Posted by Jayk9305
1 Repost May 10, 2014