
Do not let the scale determine your fitness level...
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Nov 29, 2013
Do you really need any other reason not to do squats???
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Nov 29, 2013
Capital One's slogan is "What's in your wallet!" Mine is "What's in your closet!"
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Nov 29, 2013
Happy Hour at it's finest!!! I approve this message!
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Posted by Jaimar8
1 Repost Nov 29, 2013
That's my jam!!!
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Nov 29, 2013
Less talk, more lift...
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Nov 29, 2013
That's my Ace!!! TMinusfit!!! She is always killing it and I am very proud of her!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 22, 2013
Lol!!! Rest is required for recovery and growth, so get them when you can...
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
The best equation ever!!!
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
Adjust, Adapt, and Achieve...
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Posted by Jaimar8
2 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
Get it in everyday!!!!
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Posted by Jaimar8
1 Repost Sep 21, 2013
That is why he is the Governor....
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Posted by Jaimar8
2 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
1 Repost Sep 21, 2013
That moment you have in the mirror when you are on your last set...
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
2 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
No excuse...
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
True Goddess!!!
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Posted by Jaimar8
1 Repost Sep 21, 2013
You won't hear your Doctor telling you this...
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
Join my support group...
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Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
Need I say more...
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
1 Repost Sep 21, 2013
Pre-workout Creed...
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 21, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
1 Repost Sep 18, 2013
Welcome to thee Elite!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Jaimar8
0 Reposts Sep 06, 2013