
And who said girls that lift aren't sex. Now if they are green and lift. Jackpot!!!!! Lol
Just showing appreciation!
Comment Repost
Posted by IronDriven
0 Reposts Oct 30, 2013
Free your mind and your body will follow. I'm unchained!
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Posted by IronDriven
0 Reposts Aug 18, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by IronDriven
1 Repost Jul 13, 2013
Do I need to say more!
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Posted by IronDriven
0 Reposts Jul 09, 2013
He did it and so will I !
Mr.Zane an inspiration to smaller guys like me. He has Defeated big guys by being more define and polished. So it's not the size of the person it's the quality of the muscle. I have remind myself the that because sometime I want to gain anything.
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Posted by IronDriven
1 Repost Jun 25, 2013
People ask us,how we get like this? I tell them hard work. But knowin how to do something and doing it are two totally different things
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Posted by IronDriven
0 Reposts Jun 24, 2013