
Squats work!
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Mar 21, 2014
So I've heard, tattoos and a beard don't hurt either. ;-)
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Mar 11, 2014
Must be a photo from before he decided to work out the other half of his upper body, lol.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Mar 07, 2014
And this was at the end of his workout.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Mar 06, 2014
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Feb 14, 2014
These are definitely a few of my favorite things!! **HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!**
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Feb 14, 2014
Arne you circuit training himself, didn't have to call it CrossFit, with a ® lol. But this was too funny not to repost.
Pretty acute but replace the martini with a 1/2 gallon of milk with four scoops of protein.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Feb 09, 2014
More plates anyone?
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Posted by IronCladMoss
5 Reposts Feb 01, 2014
yes! It is very true, at least a gentleman like me that is.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
4 Reposts Feb 01, 2014
Unless I see them doing something really dumb. Like squating with a bent over back.
so true
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Posted by IronCladMoss
1 Repost Jan 29, 2014
**** yes, true story!!!
I got a few, they also had the same 365 for the last five years.
I wanna t-bar row that mother!
Do you lift bro?
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Jan 18, 2014
That is me any any kind of cheesecake, as a matter of fact the cheesecake ask for bus fare back to Jersey after I'm done with it.
You Can always do both!
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Dec 17, 2013
Lol, very true, ok, so I can play C.O.D. blindfolded, but only after my muscles are exausted.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Dec 16, 2013
Love this one!
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Dec 16, 2013
LMAO... so bad but SOOO funny! Lifting something else at the thought. :-)
Hey don't forget about Hugh Jackman and Chris helmsworth.
Dips with three 45# plates, yes it does feel badass.
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Posted by IronCladMoss
0 Reposts Dec 10, 2013