
Fitmuse on Instagram: Dont forget it's still the new year, monday, saturday,sunday - any day is a good day to get it started!
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Jan 02, 2016
Got news of a dear friend, suffering from heart problems. Life is too short, enjoy it, dream big, do what you enjoy doing. Quit what makes you unhappy. Live life your way!
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Dec 29, 2015
Theme for the day "don't quit", you've already come this far, keep on pushing hard. Results will come to those that persevere. Stay motivated! Happy holidays
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Dec 26, 2015
In the spirit of giving - Merry Christmas :-)
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Dec 24, 2015
Find & go your own way. There are people that want me to go their way, because they didn't do it themselves.But it's not my way, I choose my path because it's the only way that will make me happy.
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Dec 18, 2015
Back at what I do best, lift heavy weights. Let's go #legday Set out to inspire and motivate.
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Dec 15, 2015
Reminding myself to be content with the materialistic things I got instead of wanting more. Always pushing to get better as an individual, never satisfied with my own journey.
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Dec 05, 2015
Hitting it hard this hump day, need to build that booty, it doesn't stay up there and grow all by itself ;-) Keep on pushing hard in the winter, stand there proud on the beach in the summer. ;-) Conquer life inspire and motivate
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Nov 11, 2015 Feel like today's leg workout was brought to me by Amanda Latona she was with me in booty & spirit during squats, stiff leg deadlifts and all the funny things we do to build that booty Thanks!
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Nov 08, 2015 If you ain't struggling you're doing it wrong - push yourself Tips on nutrition, fitness, training motivation & inspiration & a real journey
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Nov 05, 2015
Motivation for this monday, hitting shoulders now - what do you hit today? Conquer life, inspire & motivate - together
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Nov 02, 2015
My motivation for this sunday's glute/hamstring session - heavy lifting ahead! 5 essential lessons learned from CT Fletcher’s magnificent obsession
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Nov 01, 2015
So pumped for the Olympia 2015 - let's go Amanda Latona - guess I will have to do some extra squats in honor of the Olympia this weekend LOL
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Sep 17, 2015
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Aug 20, 2015
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Posted by Givens87
1 Repost May 08, 2013
Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.
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Posted by Givens87
1 Repost Apr 25, 2013
take your daily stress to the gym and leave it there ...
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Posted by Givens87
0 Reposts Apr 25, 2013