
I need to start again.
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Posted by GirlOnFire007
0 Reposts Sep 30, 2018
"Do or do not. There is no try"
"I'm not trying to be sexy. It's just my way of expressing myself when I move around" - Elvis Presley. Ha! love it! (Aspirational Pic)
So you didn't get the result you wanted....... In life, in business, in love, in fitness - there's always another way. A better way.
10 days left in Thailand! 10 days left to eat clean and land (re-launch in London) strong and purposeful.....
14 months ago, I left London for Thailand. I have lived, learned and leaned out! And now it's time to go home....but it's the changes you can't see that have changed me for ever.
Always more 50s pin up than fitness model, I don't look the type! But love shocking every single one of them. I'll carry my own bags thanks (and yours as well). #strongerthanilook #undercoverangel
Comment Repost
Posted by GirlOnFire007
2 Reposts Mar 09, 2015
I'm never cheap, easy or fake....except for "feel better food".... You can probably add occasionally greedy to that too :( Nutrition!! Always a challenge! Not aiming for perfection. Just balance, consistency and respect. A work in progress.
Here's to strong women.......may you be lucky enough to know one, be one, love one, raise one. xx
Happy Birthday to me!
Just trying to do better today than I did yesterday. Competing only with myself. One day at a time.
Comment Repost
Posted by GirlOnFire007
1 Repost Feb 25, 2015
I used to think I had to look great first, BEFORE I joined a gym. Then I had to buy new sneakers, get the right outfit, wait until work was less stressful, etc etc etc.....
Are you ready?
And today I am ..... I will push, stretch, lift....... It's Sally-Anne v's Skinny Jeans
Happy Valentines Day!
It's true. It's a fight for fitness. But worth fighting for ;)
Comment Repost
Posted by GirlOnFire007
0 Reposts Feb 10, 2015