
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
0 Reposts Aug 11, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
1 Repost Nov 14, 2014
Sunday's workout was INTENSE! Really feeling it today. Co-worker's asked if I injured my leg. I told them DOMS is to blame. Some got it, some didn't. LOL!
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Posted by Empath2013
0 Reposts Nov 12, 2014
Best workout so far on Sunday. Experiencing 48 hour DOMS, but it's worth it! Rested yesterday, hitting the gym today.
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Posted by Empath2013
1 Repost Nov 04, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
0 Reposts May 19, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
1 Repost May 13, 2014
If I wasn't in shape and keeping my body strong my injuries would have been worse. I'm convinced of that. You never know what you're going to be faced with. It's best to be prepared. Lift on!
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Posted by Empath2013
0 Reposts Mar 20, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
4 Reposts Mar 04, 2014
Hip Hop Abs for the first time. BONUS - my sister (who never works out with me) joined in and we had a blast. Fitness and positivity IS contagious! Thanks for posting this NatashaW
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Posted by Empath2013
0 Reposts Feb 05, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
2 Reposts Jan 31, 2014
Get motivation from everything around you!
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Posted by Empath2013
5 Reposts Jan 30, 2014
We all have set backs, but we have to keep getting back up.
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Posted by Empath2013
0 Reposts Jan 30, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
1 Repost Jan 24, 2014
To make us smile.
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Posted by Empath2013
1 Repost Jan 23, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
1 Repost Jan 23, 2014
Who's on track for the Transformation Challenge?
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Posted by Empath2013
0 Reposts Jan 22, 2014
This is to remind me what I need to do to accomplish my goals. I hope it also motivates someone else who is dragging today.
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Posted by Empath2013
4 Reposts Jan 22, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
1 Repost Jan 17, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
2 Reposts Jan 16, 2014
Every action, every choice matters.
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Posted by Empath2013
5 Reposts Jan 14, 2014
For my Phoenix Rising ladies and their kids at the shelter. Staying active and eating healthy benefits us beyond looking good. It helps us fight when we think we don't have any fight left in us.
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Posted by Empath2013
0 Reposts Jan 09, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Empath2013
3 Reposts Jan 02, 2014
101 reasons to exercise!
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Posted by Empath2013
7 Reposts Dec 30, 2013
Happy holidays everyone! Good luck with your goals through this season into the new year.