
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts May 17, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts May 09, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts May 02, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Apr 30, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Apr 29, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Apr 28, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
1 Repost Apr 27, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Apr 26, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Apr 25, 2020
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Apr 24, 2020
Pauline Nordin - inspirational
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Dec 19, 2015
Pauline Nordin - inspiration
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Sep 12, 2015
Pauline Nordin, inspirational.
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Jul 23, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
1 Repost May 29, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Apr 02, 2015
Back of Beauty.
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Mar 26, 2015
Never lose sight of why you started. Never lose sight of your goals. Never give up.
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Dec 13, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts Jul 24, 2014
Perfect proportions, her body is a piece of art to be admired. Certainly an image to aspire to.
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
1 Repost Jun 14, 2014
That's the type of definition I'm working for.
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
0 Reposts May 25, 2014
Astounding - need not say anymore.
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
1 Repost May 10, 2014
I love this - it's my new wallpaper on my phone! Let's all kick *** daily!
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
1 Repost May 08, 2014
Earn your body - Earn respect.
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
1 Repost May 05, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Em3141
1 Repost May 04, 2014