
This man is my inspiration. Noah Steere is probably the biggest bodybuilder this world has ever seen and maybe the biggest we will ever see! He is 6'6" and at competition weight he weighed 350lbs
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 22, 2013
People who wait for things to happen to them will rarely achieve there dreams. You have to go out there and grab life by the horns and wrestle it into submission.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
1 Repost Jun 14, 2013
This is the quote that I keep in the forefront of my mind throughout the day. This is all it takes to achieve your dream physique.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
Was there ever a statement more true?
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Posted by ElliotClarke
1 Repost Jun 14, 2013
I've had girlfriends in the past who've actually forced me to make this decision. Go to the gym and lose my girlfriend? Or, stay at home and not go to the gym and see gains? I now live my life as a happy single man ;)
Ladies, this is all I want from a woman. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
2 Reposts Jun 11, 2013
'There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.' Discipline is what will make you great, the ability to stick to a plan to achieve your goals is priceless.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
1 Repost Jun 09, 2013
Respect. Work hard to earn it from others. Make others work hard to earn it from you, but don't be afraid to give it when it is due.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
1 Repost Jun 09, 2013
Be the best you can possibly be. Create haters that only want to bring you down, because if people want to bring you down it means you have managed to rise above normality. Jealousy from others is just proof your dedication and hard work works.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
Leave a legacy in this life, that people will remember long after you are dead.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
2 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
If you're going to do something give it one hundred percent! Or don't bother trying. In all aspects of life, whether it be: gym, work, sex, family. You owe it to yourself to see the best results you can produce.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
1 Repost Jun 09, 2013
'I don't start counting, till it starts hurting.'
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
This is my church.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
Walk tall in your body. Earn respect from others by your mere presence. Be a God.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
'Every Beauty needs her Beast' How can you expect to have an attractive wife if you yourself aren't an optimal male. Just ask yourself if you'd have sex with you? If the answer is no, up the training intensity!
I want to be so big my family have to have a custom coffin made just to fit me in!
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
It's not all about 'genetics', a term that is thrown around a lot nowadays. Sometimes, it's just about how hard you're willing to work to achieve your goals!
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
I'm a nice guy, don't get me wrong! But if I'm lifting weights then don't approach me to 'chat' I don't want to know.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
1 Repost Jun 09, 2013
Speaks for itself. Although, there is a limit to bulking and the guy in the first photo just looks fat to me! The sentiment still rings true though.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
1 Repost Jun 09, 2013
Make a promise to yourself that you'll try and make every day better than you're last and you'll be able to look back on your life with pride.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
9 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
Take it as a compliment that haters say you're on steroids! It's just proof that you are so big, people can't accept you've done it with blood, sweat and tears.
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
The dream team *sigh*
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Posted by ElliotClarke
0 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
'The worst thing I could be, is the same as everybody else. I'd hate that. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way; I hope it never will.' - Arnold Schwarzenegger
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Posted by ElliotClarke
3 Reposts Jun 09, 2013
My favourite bodybuilding pose of all time. The abdominal vacuum. Bodybuilder - Frank Zane
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Posted by ElliotClarke
4 Reposts Jun 09, 2013