
Rheumatoid Arthritis can't stop me ;)
If you can't give anything, give love and kindness ❤️
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts Feb 04, 2016
;) Let go of he negative, embrace the positive:)
This will happen during today's cardio...I'm pretty sure lol
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Posted by ElenaRivas
1 Repost Jan 07, 2015
Thought I'd try and make a funny since today is leg day lol 😄😉
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts Jan 07, 2015
I remember some telling me that one single person can't do many great things...clearly they've never tried anything else in their life ;)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
3 Reposts Nov 06, 2014
Keep on fighting ;)
Had to share this hit me like a brick but it's def. something to remember.
It's always up to us to make the change ;)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts Jul 05, 2014
...don't forget to work on those glutes so you can be as happy as this giraffe ;)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
1 Repost Jun 12, 2014
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Posted by ElenaRivas
1 Repost May 25, 2014
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts May 11, 2014
You got to believe it yourself before others believe it too ;) :D However, what counts is what you think about yourself and not what others think about you. So be happy and know you have been great all along ;)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts May 08, 2014
Be yourself and not who everyone else wants you to be ;)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts May 04, 2014
Saw this one online and I had to share :) that's the spirit :D
You can do it!! ;)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
1 Repost Apr 25, 2014
cute art i saw online today :) love every second of life with all you have. there may be bad times or places but life is what you make of it.
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts Apr 24, 2014
Another good one :) kinda the feeling tonight. It can be scary but I def will keep moving forward :D things I'm passionate about: creativity(art&photography), fitness and wildlife conservation :) what are you passionate about?
Wow, if this doesn't make you think, I don't know what will. Awesome quote :) people often say my dreams are to big but I believe it is their mind that is small. Anything is possible if you try ;)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2014
Cool quote I saw on the web today :)
nothing but the truth. I'm thankful for every single day :)
Someone once said to me, "We may know a lot but can't ever know it all." That is why each day I try to learn something more. I may not know it all and i never will but aslong as I keep learning, I will improve :)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
1 Repost Apr 16, 2014
I found a picture of me before the Jk but who on here doesn't get excited to go to the gym :D
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2014
Definitely the feeling today. Although times get tough at times, I will always find a way to make it all work out. Just take a deep breath and carry on! :)
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Posted by ElenaRivas
0 Reposts Apr 07, 2014