
Comment Repost
Posted by DucatiJane
0 Reposts Dec 28, 2016
Cheesy but this biker girl had to share this ;) Btw....It's May the 4th LEG DAY!!!! #OnceANerdAlwaysANerd
Happy Friday!!!!.....13th :)
Everyone wants happiness. No one wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain ;)
Comment Repost
Posted by DucatiJane
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2015
I think this dog got into my C4 ;)
Do y'all say Hi?? I do...even though I usually don't get a response lol must look different without my gym swag on!! #InDisguise :)
No disrespect to crossfitters....or gains diggers :)
Comment Repost
Posted by DucatiJane
0 Reposts Feb 25, 2015
"You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!" - Dr. Seuss
He is my fitness CRUSH!!! XO
Just breathe...Just Live!
Comment Repost
Posted by DucatiJane
0 Reposts Feb 06, 2015
Kat gets me every damnnnn time LMAO!!!
Love me some Kat!!
Cause who the heck goes to a club on a Tuesday?? ;)
Happens every damnnnnn January!! Lol but I always make new members feel welcomed ;)
Me every DAMNNNN morning :)
One of my fav's from Arnold!! I'm dragging a$$ today and I've got his LEG training to destroy tonight.......helppppp oh and I'm kind of a cigar girl....without the inhaling ;)
This will be happening in........4 hours ;)
I've been saying it for years :)
Here's to hoping that I'm picked to meet & greet him tonight....with a kiss on his cheek ;) *blushing* A girl can dream right and sometimes, LOVE AIN'T ENOUGH :( favourite song of his ;)
Comment Repost
Posted by DucatiJane
0 Reposts Nov 21, 2014