
It is never too late to do anything positive. Whether it be food prep, your workout, cardio, or an academic assignment, or work towards a project, it all adds up. All efforts add to the pot and get us nearer to our goals
I hope everyone out there is grabbing their health and fitness goals by the scruff of the neck and realising the potential that you may not have previously recognised within yourselves. Onwards and upwards. We keep going strong...
Sometimes we just need to take a step back, observe and evaluate our situation and environment, and remember that we have the power and determination to overcome any obstacles that life may challenge us with. Be thankful for the opportunity to grow
Nobody promised us that the route to our goal would be smooth sailing. Calm waters do not create expert mariners. We all have setbacks and things are very unlikely to be perfect for us all of the time. We roll with what we've got and give it our all.
David was carved from marble that was once hidden deep inside a mountain. One hammerstroke at a time he was fashioned. Keep chipping away guys. Make actions that are beneficial in getting us closer to our goals, your habits. Shape your future
Take stock of what makes you the person that you are today. Identify the strengths and inner power that will help you to become a better, stronger, faster, kinder version of yourself, and employ them with tenacity and determination
'Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one' - Bruce Lee. Always make it your business to strive for betterment...and never give up on that quest :-)
Comment Repost
Posted by DazIronwolf
1 Repost Feb 06, 2015
The road to betterment is always under construction ;-)