
It is not as easy as it seems you know...Hold up, it does not even seem all! ( That is one of the reasons why most of us love it too ^^ )
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Nov 24, 2014
You have no power here!!
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Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Nov 13, 2014
People always say it is impossible when they, in their tiny heads cannot envision it but it only takes one person to prove them wrong! Always remember that!
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Nov 12, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Sep 01, 2014
It is always impossible until it is not anymore. If you don't try or test the "impossible" how will you ever know if it was really impossible in the first place ?
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Aug 11, 2014
I'm sorry I believe you misunderstood me. I said I wanted to be "Fit" I didn't say I wanted to "fit in"
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Aug 05, 2014
Well if the reps say so it must be true!
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Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Aug 05, 2014
You can use 1000 words to describe yourself in the gym but after that you still get the question buzzing in your head. Which one are you, average or warrior ?
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Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Jul 23, 2014
The truth has never been spoken like this!
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Posted by DNK3895
2 Reposts Jul 21, 2014
Seems about right!
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
2 Reposts Jul 14, 2014
Enjoy every split second of it because someday you will surely miss it!
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Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Jul 05, 2014
Stop trying to be like everybody else, you won't succeed until you realize that you can only be you, so be different and be proud of it!
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Jul 05, 2014
I don't think Rocky Balboa needs any description!
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Jun 30, 2014
Well I can relate to this and I know you guys can too! Today was one of those Heavy Squat days for me so I hope the zombie apocalypse doesn't come tomorow! ^^
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Jun 12, 2014
Kick that b*tch down!
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Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts May 16, 2014
With finals coming we need to get both kinds of exercise. Body+Mind= Gains on both fronts!
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Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts May 12, 2014
Life has never been described more clearly to me!
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Posted by DNK3895
2 Reposts May 02, 2014
After seeing this meme, everytime a friend questions how much time I spend in the gym, this is the answer I think about giving him/her.
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Mar 25, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Feb 28, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Feb 27, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
2 Reposts Feb 17, 2014
There is a time for everything in life, it's not my fault that this one is my favorite ^^
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
0 Reposts Feb 02, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Jan 28, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by DNK3895
1 Repost Jan 25, 2014