
Comment Repost
Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2014
Master of Gung-Fu and the Jazz-Bone too!
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Dec 13, 2013
Interesting point, Marshal. Interesting point.
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Aug 12, 2013
Gym Membership Fees got you down? That's no excuse.
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Posted by DJigga
1 Repost Jul 08, 2013
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Posted by DJigga
6 Reposts Apr 11, 2013
New catch phrase in the pod. ...keep [it] up. Seriously.
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Feb 08, 2013
from a top 10 list of worst book covers in the history of literature
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Dec 30, 2012
Allright, last one of Bruce, but I had to post this, as he is about to kick the living cr** out of poor Chuck Norris. Poor Chuck Norris.
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2012
Seeing it on film is awesome without a doubt, but seeing it as a still makes me think about it just a little more.
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Posted by DJigga
1 Repost Dec 14, 2012
I know I'm kinda going on and on about Bruce today, but really... 2 fingered push-ups?
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2012
This is Bruce Lee demonstrating his one inch punch to a sceptical crowd and one fool who is about to be really glad that chair is behind him.
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2012
My gym bag rides shotgun in my truck now. No more, "I feel like going to the gym NOW! ...if I only had my gym bag."
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2012
Can you do this? Me either... but I'm working up to it.
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Posted by DJigga
0 Reposts Dec 14, 2012
I'm going to start my fitboard with some of my personal inspiration. This is my favorite picture of Bruce Lee.
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Posted by DJigga
1 Repost Dec 14, 2012