
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Nov 25, 2014
You cant fake it...
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2014
BELIEVE in yourself
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Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2014
START today
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Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2014
Eat clean, train mean and get LEAN
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Posted by Claudinekidson
1 Repost Jan 27, 2014
Never give up
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Posted by Claudinekidson
1 Repost Jan 27, 2014
STOP when you are done
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Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
1 Repost Jan 21, 2014
NEVER EVER let anyone try to push you down...
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
Make it a lifestyle
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Posted by Claudinekidson
1 Repost Jun 28, 2013
Don't make excuses
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Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
Choose wisely
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Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
My inspiration since I can remember...
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Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
Make it happen...
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
CHOOSE to be fit...
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
If I could do it so can YOU! Good nutrition is KEY. 80% Diet and then exercise & dedication...
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Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
Exercise to be fit NOT skinny
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Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2013
The difference is in what you do!
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts May 28, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
0 Reposts May 28, 2013
Get your mind in place...
Comment Repost
Posted by Claudinekidson
2 Reposts May 28, 2013