
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts Jan 15, 2016
Ed Corney - 1975 Olympia
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
2 Reposts Jan 13, 2016
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts Feb 21, 2015
pretty much
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts Feb 21, 2015
Dmitry Klokov - Such an impressive lifter!
The Target Physique - Frank Zane (R) and Charles Glass (L)
Coming for that number one spot!
Mike Rashid - Very Inspirational Lifter
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts Jan 25, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
1 Repost Jul 06, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
5 Reposts Jul 06, 2013
My inspiration, right here.
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts May 21, 2013
No excuses.
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
1 Repost May 15, 2013
LOL, a friend uploaded this screenshot to facebook.
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts May 15, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts May 15, 2013
Will of Iron
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts May 13, 2013
"The mind is the battlefield," and, ya gaddamn right, I'm ready to go to war! Let's do it!
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
2 Reposts May 13, 2013
Behold! The fury of a god burns within me!
The path of righteousness is a lonely one after all.
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts May 13, 2013
Hard. That's the only way I know how to go.
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
0 Reposts May 13, 2013
It was written...
Comment Repost
Posted by ChurchofIron
3 Reposts May 13, 2013