
or dumbbells..... hehehe
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. William Shakespeare
hahaha nothing more to say......
Happy it's a NEW year to you!
Comment Repost
Posted by Cheezziitt
0 Reposts Jan 01, 2014
Larry The lizard made it on Mirrin'!hahaha
It's not about being perfect, it's about being confident and happy with yourself. More importantly opening your heart, laughing at yourself and having a good time! #NZNutraceuticals #CouponCode: NZNLIZ
We started out journey together and we continue it together. We like to compete and support one another having Sperf by my side is priceless. Try finding a workout partner who shares goals and the motivation with you to pump up your game!
and lastly LIFT heavy! ;) Rules to live by!
Comment Repost
Posted by Cheezziitt
1 Repost Nov 07, 2013
Cheezziitt's 2013 Transformation Thursday - 'Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.' Napoleon Hill
Small or big your got this!!! :)
Comment Repost
Posted by Cheezziitt
2 Reposts Oct 12, 2013
There were hurdles and 'quitting' moments but I stuck through it and couldn't be happier now. To this day I am still learning my body and making changes, it's definitely a work in progress, you have to be inspired to keep passion to push forward!
:) Truth.
This week’s interview is with small but mighty Liz Berres. Liz started out competing in Figure, but transitioned to Physique. I’m jealous of those awesome poses she gets to do on stage, sans heels no less!
My Competition and physique journey 2012-2013 My Competition and physique journey 2012-2013 Words can not explain how happy I am with my changes. I continue to surprise myself each show! Here are a few key attributes that help me keep pushing
Squats and deadlifts are a must ladies!!!
My Muscle Transformation - 3 years and all are at points I was around 130-135.... all different muscle compositions. Its a journey that keeps going!
Tomorrow is the final day to register for the 6-Week Challenge and your shot at $30,000! I won a challenge on can you!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Cheezziitt
1 Repost Jun 15, 2013
Invite. Intrigue. Inspire. Improve. Repeat!
This is where it all started for me! I HIGHLY encourage to sign up for transformation challenges here on BB,com. The are great motivators that change lives!
We do not live an equal life, but one of contrasts and patchwork; now a little joy, then a sorrow, now a sin, then a generous or brave action. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Be strong, food wont fix the situation! YOU have the power to choose!
My story & I'm sticking to it! I may not have improved on my Bball skills but I gained mad muscle and confidence!
:) Just because my shows are done doesn't mean I stop in my tracks.... The path ahead of me keeps going and I am well on my way in the right direction!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Cheezziitt
1 Repost Apr 07, 2013
My passion is the fuel to keep me going!! It's been rough peak week but I fight for what I want, and I work hard to get it. :) In the end I LOVE what I am doing!
Comment Repost
Posted by Cheezziitt
2 Reposts Mar 21, 2013
2 wks out and I can't wait for the season to begin! The last yr has been such a fulfilling experience, I have learned so much about my body, seen my triumphs, met amazing people and the best part is its only the beginning. Wow what a journey so far
Comment Repost
Posted by Cheezziitt
3 Reposts Mar 10, 2013