
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
0 Reposts Feb 25, 2015
I recently realized that I'm making more and more faces...too bad they don't look this good though
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
1 Repost Feb 12, 2015
Being strong and healthy is a much more sexier option for losing weight than just to be thin.
Tomorrow is the kickoff for the 200K challenge! See y'all happy, healthy, and fit in 12 weeks!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
0 Reposts Jan 12, 2015
You know when you try talking yourself out of going to the gym and then you finally muster the balls to get there and then you're like "I'm so glad I got in to the gym after all"...yeah shut those excuses up and go have some fun!
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
0 Reposts Jan 10, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
0 Reposts Jan 07, 2015
Don't listen to the lies of laziness, don't give into fear of failure, don't care what others think, nix the excuses, because the gym is a perfect place to overcome all of that! Hope y'all had a good monday!
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
0 Reposts Jan 06, 2015
I mean he just broke up with what's-her-face, everybody head to the gym!
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
0 Reposts Jan 04, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
1 Repost Jan 04, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
0 Reposts Jan 04, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by CaraWagnon
0 Reposts Jan 04, 2015