
Nine days till I get to wear this beauty by the pool!!!!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Jul 04, 2016
HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! Home from work. I'm fed, I have coffee, and I'm happy!!! Kyaaaa!!! :D
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Jun 15, 2016
Can you say good morning? I love working legs and I love dressing them up. Keep on being sexy and fit my Fit Fam. Work what you worked for!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2016
Yes both pics are me. The left is 282.5lb and the right is 189lb. I still have a journey ahead of me but boy am I proud of myself. This is a YOU CAN FREAKING DO IT! post. So get it done fitfam!!!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Apr 10, 2016
Saw this on Facebook and had to share it here. I love it and it's so true. I started for me. Every session is for me. If you don't like it move on. I love the body that I am.molding every day and your opinion will not change that. Fit for life!!!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Mar 13, 2016
I'm happy to have had a positive impact on someone. I will work hard to show you what can be done
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Jan 24, 2016
Yes I am. I will always fight, work hard, and I'll never quit. I have a man that loves me for me and the prospects of a bright new career and future. Are you ready life? Because I am!
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Posted by CMY10
1 Repost Jan 19, 2016
You know what day it is! What what!!! I love my squats!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Nov 16, 2015
Revisiting my journey for transformation Tuesday. I am working on another round of photos for the months to come. Lots to do!!!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Nov 03, 2015
I might be sick but I'm not dead. Mmmmm happy hump day!
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Posted by CMY10
1 Repost Oct 14, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Sep 27, 2015
Amen to that. Once I got this formula right, sh!t was smooth sailing. TRAINING=HAPPINESS
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Sep 15, 2015
More yumminess. Tuna, beats, and hummus on top of mixed baby greens. The wrap is eggs, hummus, and yellow squash.
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Sep 14, 2015
Don't day dream get up and work your *** off to turn those dreams into a reality.
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Sep 13, 2015
All day everyday!!!
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Posted by CMY10
1 Repost Sep 06, 2015
This made me smile. I know you are all awesome. We all lead very different lives, but I know each and everyone of us have had our hardships. Take a little time, cry it out, walk it out, whatever. You will get through it. xoxo
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Sep 05, 2015
Couldn't be more accurate
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Posted by CMY10
1 Repost Sep 03, 2015
Yes he will regret it, I already know. But even the caring person inside can't must up and sympathy for him. Ladies your man is out there somewhere. Live your life and one day you will stumble upon each other.
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Posted by CMY10
1 Repost Aug 26, 2015
Exactly how I feel! Every new day we have a choice to either let things bring us down or stand up with a huge grin on our face. Conquer the day Fit Fam!!!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Aug 25, 2015
OK I told you all to brave, so it's time to follow my own advice. Follow the photos straight down on the left then up to my profile photo down to the most recent in the mirror this week. This still doesn't include my heaviest photo.
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2015
Be brave my friends, it's never too late!!!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Aug 16, 2015
I'm pretty beastin myself but yes I def agree. I need me a beast!!! Crush it you sexy beasts/beauties!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Aug 15, 2015
Remember where you have been, and why you got started in the first place. STAY KILLIN IT FIT FAM!!!
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Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Aug 09, 2015
Take responsibility for yourself. Admit that you sat on your a$$, admit that you had the time but decided not to train. Once you accept that you f*cked up then you can take the initiative and make a positive change in your life.Good morning monsters!
Comment Repost
Posted by CMY10
0 Reposts Aug 07, 2015