
You're someone's inspiration, someone's motivation, share that admiration that will create aspiration.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
2 Reposts Jun 13, 2013
When negativity is too much, you know where to take out your frustrations. Just shrug it off!!
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Jun 13, 2013
Don't be scared to ask questions. One day you'll be the one answering them.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
2 Reposts Jun 13, 2013
Eat green, get lean, TRAIN MEAN!!!
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Jun 13, 2013
Don't ever let anyone tell you "you can't" "just stop" or other wise. It's you versus yourself, it's a mental challenge strengthen your mind, your body will follow.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
3 Reposts Jun 12, 2013
If I want to build a bigger chest, back, broader shoulders, or legs of an of tomorrow I MUST start today. Dont be scared to ask questions or drop the weight to perfect the form. Every champion started from the bottom, remember that.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
2 Reposts Jun 11, 2013
Blood. Sweat. Tears. Rinse up and repeat, don't wish for it WORK FOR IT.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
1 Repost Jun 11, 2013
We're all contenders to be GREAT. Worship your body for it is your Trophy of dedication and hard work. It's you vs your power of Will, who will win?
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts May 03, 2013
If the highlight of your week was going out change your lifestyle. Making gains, striving towards a new body, losing/gaining weight, setting new PR's now THOSE are my highlights of the week.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
2 Reposts May 01, 2013
While your reading this someone is working out there abs. Good form and keep good tension. When's the last time you worked out your abs?
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 25, 2013
Reguardless of sex, nice abs are a must! We all want a 6 pack lets face it and here's a picture I found useful and going to hate with the world. Eat clean, train mean, and you'll get lean!! Six pack season is amongst us
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
5 Reposts Apr 25, 2013
Good-Better-Best. I won't stop until my good is better and my better is best. By stepping foot in the gym or exercising at home your taking small steps into the right direction, now follow that road.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
3 Reposts Apr 25, 2013
No one is holding a gun to your head telling you can't go to the gym. Guns don't kill people, pencils don't make mistakes, it's the people who control them. Control your actions, control the gym.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
1 Repost Apr 24, 2013
Once you respect your body, more respect will follow. Achieve goals for yourself not for others.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
4 Reposts Apr 24, 2013
The mirror doesn't lie. Use the mirror to judge your progress, it may be placebo but its motivating besides you're more than just a number on a scale. Don't let a -/+ 1lb throw you off, it's just a number. Stay strong, lift strong, THINK strong.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
1 Repost Apr 24, 2013
Turn "Why's" into "why not". Why not take a longer walk to and from the car, why not have a fruit instead a chip. Think positive and your body will benefit. The mind is powerful
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
2 Reposts Apr 23, 2013
Helping out my fellow ectomorphs, train hard and eat hard. Eatting a cheese burger (carb back loading) wouldn't effect your body compared to an overweight person eating one. Eat big to get big.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2013
Even going on vacation make it a choice to pack healthy food to bring with you. You wouldn't leave behind appropriate clothing right so why would you leave healthy food behind?
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2013
No "body" is a finished product just a work in progress. Even if your barly getting started that's more than where you were before, visualize before materlize. Visualize your goals. Make it a lifestyle and they will materialize. Tunnel Vision.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2013
Knowing is half the battle, the other half is actual putting it to use. The more you understand and ask questions the more results you'll gain. To teach is to learn twice don't be scared to ask!
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 23, 2013
Walden Farms can make ANYTHING taste great without the fuss. Check your local grocery stores for zero cal, fat, gluten free products.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2013
Frozen pomegranate. Great alternative if your craving ice cream especially with all this HEAT Comin up! Get fit summer's around the corner
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2013
If you had a extra pair of arms, HOW MUCH MORE WOULD YOU LIFT?! Hit it hard and stay strong all eyes on you. Keep pushing !
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2013
Don't starve your body and don't waste your money. Why not prep meals ahead of time and bring em with you? Make it a lifestyle your body will love it.
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Posted by Brian_Reyes88
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2013