
only on fitboards and body space. I never seen no one like this in real life. I need a new gym
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts Jul 14, 2013
just keep pushing!!!!!
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts Jul 13, 2013
lookie lookie.. look who WE MIRIN!!! good job mrs lisa
whats crazy i use to think the top looked better...
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts Jul 12, 2013
So true...stay strong and go hard!
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts Jul 03, 2013
my goal size
my goal in life
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
Hell yeah...
proud to call her fried!! first show and killed it. on to bigger and better things!
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2013
The truth!!!!
weakness is NOT an option!
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts May 21, 2013
my goal in life!!!!!! I pick heavy **** up and and put it down.. whats harder than that?
How i feel before i walk in the gym. Ready to go to war!!!!!
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts May 18, 2013
my goal in life
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts May 16, 2013
What a Father Sees in His Kids (Part 1) ... Potential
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts May 16, 2013
watch that video right before my workout last night... great motivation
this is what i do everyworkout and i can tell the differencein my results
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Posted by BoogieManHunt05
0 Reposts May 15, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BoogieManHunt05
2 Reposts May 15, 2013
my kid as soon as he ready