
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts Aug 06, 2013
Training brings out the lion in me!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
1 Repost Aug 06, 2013
Who feels lie a superhero from time to time!
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts Aug 06, 2013
Mmmm..come to mamma!! Haha..i wish...
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
2 Reposts Jun 06, 2013
Too cute! :)
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts Jun 03, 2013
true story
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
2 Reposts Jun 01, 2013
The two best things for you are pumping AND humping..duh
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
1 Repost May 31, 2013
Great stuff, so true.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
1 Repost May 24, 2013
What do you mean the GYM IS CLOSED!!!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts May 17, 2013
Enjoy the weekend and tell that someone special how much you love them.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
1 Repost May 17, 2013
Don't judge a boo by its cover, you might be caught off guard.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
1 Repost May 17, 2013
Right on!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts May 17, 2013
Slow down, have some fun, be kind, share love, be who you are and enjoy life.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts May 17, 2013
So true!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
2 Reposts May 17, 2013
Have a laugh!
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
3 Reposts May 17, 2013
If humans can have half the confidence and guts than a wild tiger, think of what we can achieve.
Bodybuilding icon and master.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
2 Reposts Apr 29, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
1 Repost Apr 29, 2013
Rack it, Stack it and shut the **** up.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts Apr 29, 2013
True words from a world legend in all aspects.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
2 Reposts Apr 19, 2013
All battles within can only be won by perseverance, stair yourself down and get rid of the weak side so your strong side can reap the benefits.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts Apr 19, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts Apr 19, 2013
Destined to dominate the gym.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bodymonster123
0 Reposts Apr 11, 2013