
Had to SKIP leg day today....worked late and gym closed early for the weekend. Tomorrow back at it and looking forward grinding it out. #beastmode #momswholift
Respect for myself for pulling off such an amazing transformation in the #250kchallenge. This has been one of the toughest challenges with a bunch of s@#$ going on in my personal life. Making it all the way with these amazing results, is respect!
I have NEVER eaten so many green veggies in my LIFE!!!
The last couple of weeks of the #250kchallenge. This can be very tough on some, I can definitely say that I am struggling at times. Being 100% committed for such a long time. At times I'm just craving for a cookie with my coffee or a slice of pizza.
Perhaps I should start eating waffles. You know the saying: You ARE what you
I have been dealing with the flu/cold these past days. Stayed true to my diet and will be back for the weights tomorrow. If you cant go to the gym, it doesn't mean you abandon your diet.
Spending my Valentines Day with my Love, Mr.Dumb Bell :)
Oh YES that's MEEEEEE!! I am focuses on my goal and nothing is standing in my way. Ending this #250kchallenge with a BANG!!
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Posted by Bionica2014
0 Reposts Feb 02, 2017
Story of my life....Staying STRONG for my kids. THEY are the motivation for my transformation and hopefully become one of the finalists.....working like a beast every single day.
There are several people in my life that just don't understand why I am on a meal plan or workout every single day, or do not eat the things they are eating. Even the people closest to you might sabotage intentionally/unintentionally your dreams :(
Today is one of those days that I have to use some logistic skills to get to the gym. Sometimes its a true struggle but no matter what: I AM GOING whatever the time of day will be. I am NOT going to use an excuse!
After almost 4 weeks of 100% dedication to my meal plan and workouts, I can see progress.....WooHoo I am so stoked!! 8 lbs down and 7" off my waist measurement.
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Posted by Bionica2014
0 Reposts Jan 19, 2017
This morning I had to dig DEEP to find my INNER strength to get out of bed and JUST DO my cardio routine. It truly was MIND over MATTER. This is applicable to so many things in our lives....
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Posted by Bionica2014
2 Reposts Jan 17, 2017
This #250kchallenge is for me personally a great motivator on all levels to believe, have faith, and to trust the process that everything will work out as planned in our journey that is called LIFE.
Achieving MY goals for 2017 1. Transform my BODY and WIN the #250kchallenge 2. Study HARD to become an even more successful health & wellness practitioner WANT it, BELIEVE it, DO it!!!
LEG day TODAY!! Might need a wheelchair or crutches when I leave the gym tonight :)
Keep on working on your #goals and #dream big! Have a great day and a beast of a workout!
Comment Repost
Posted by Bionica2014
0 Reposts Jan 09, 2017
Today is a REST day for my BODY, not for my MIND...Studying for 3 exams next week. Preparing for an amazing future to come!
Stood on the scale this morning and was a bit disappointed with the number. I know that the scale is not an honest measure but nevertheless I would love to be out of the 160's. That number is just a big struggle to get out of. :(
Today its NOT about fitness, nor the #250Kchallenge. Today I am at the Ronald MacDonald House providing free massages to parents of children who are staying at the Calgary Childrens Hospital so they can relax and unwind for an hour.#volunteer
A couple of months ago, even a couple of weeks ago...transforming my body was only a dream. NOW its a steadfast plan with amazing results. #250kchallenge
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Posted by Bionica2014
0 Reposts Jan 05, 2017
There were moments that I had to get out of my comfort zone and it was scary but it has given me new opportunities and insights....try it and see what happens.
So True, Our Bodies ARE our Home, We Have to Take Care of It, or One Day You Have to Make Time for Doctors.
Comment Repost
Posted by Bionica2014
0 Reposts Jan 03, 2017
Comment Repost
Posted by Bionica2014
0 Reposts Jan 02, 2017