
Comment Repost
Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
1 Repost Jan 01, 2015
Happy 2014 Fit-licious Fam! May this be your best year ever!!!
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Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
0 Reposts Dec 31, 2013
Darn right it is :)
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Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
0 Reposts Dec 31, 2013
I love this, it's so true.
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Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
2 Reposts Dec 28, 2013
Honestly the judgement and names, makes me want to puke. Case in point DLB.. You dont have to want to look like her, but you **** sure should have some respect! And show that same respect to the overweight person in the gym!!!
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Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
0 Reposts Nov 05, 2013
Love this! Now where I can find a guy who understand this?? lol
Hard to remember BUT so true! I am exactly the same 'scale weight' as I was 4 months ago, but 4 pant sizes smaller as of yesterday... Yup, had to go buy smaller work pants AGAIN yesterday! Expensive when you like a certain brand BUT.... Hell yeah..
Awwww yes... Where are YOU???
My life in a nut shell 💪❤... Ok drink a little beer during football season ;).
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Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
2 Reposts Jul 26, 2013
More truth.
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Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
0 Reposts Jul 02, 2013
Quit never! But on those days when I am tired and sore... This is so my motivation!
A good visual of what gets our body to our goal and maintains it there!
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Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
0 Reposts Jun 15, 2013
If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is WAKE UP.
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Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
0 Reposts Mar 02, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
1 Repost Mar 02, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by BSUBroncoGirl
1 Repost Feb 18, 2013