
lol! True...true
Comment Repost
Posted by BUFFNFIT2456
0 Reposts Aug 24, 2015
This is such an awesome quote!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by BUFFNFIT2456
6 Reposts Jan 14, 2014
Keeping life simple!! Let's do it!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by BUFFNFIT2456
0 Reposts Jul 19, 2013
I'm ready to train like a man-imal.....again!! Who's in???
Love this!! Been doing a LOT of this the past few weeks! Posting it here and on FB both!!!
How true!! let's do it!!
Comment Repost
Posted by BUFFNFIT2456
3 Reposts Jun 01, 2013
Yep! Can't seem to turn it off lately!! Lol!!
Whatever it takes to give you that extra push....Lol!!
Heck yeah!! This is the we get a "real high"!
Comment Repost
Posted by BUFFNFIT2456
0 Reposts Apr 17, 2013
Muscle Evo Manifesto
Comment Repost
Posted by BUFFNFIT2456
2 Reposts Feb 15, 2013
This is very inspirational and motivational! helps us keep in mind that the pain, time, dedication, sacrifice is worth the effort and the results! It is worth it! Let's keep crushing it buddies!!