
When life gets hard..
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Posted by B1REBC44
2 Reposts Aug 08, 2014
Never ever give up
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Posted by B1REBC44
4 Reposts Jul 25, 2014
USMC, Cpl Todd Love, trimembral amputee of both legs above the knee and left arm below the elbow, Doing a Spartan Race. For all of you who need motivation, go have a look at team extreme (Spartan Race)
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Posted by B1REBC44
0 Reposts Jul 23, 2014
Get out of your comfort zone!
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Posted by B1REBC44
0 Reposts Jul 23, 2014
...what separates survivors from quitters in extreme challenges, is serious mental toughness training and wish to learn to operate at peak capacity for long periods of time. We are capable of at least 20 times what we think we are.
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Posted by B1REBC44
0 Reposts Jun 25, 2014