
The days go by quick! Have to make the most of our time, even if it's just 30 minutes in your day to do something good for yourself. Brick by brick, and with one foot in front of the other - we'll get there. Have a nice day fitness friends!
Just a shoulders workout this morning. Hope y'all are doing alright! Happy Thursday BodySpace!
'Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.'-MLK.
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
0 Reposts Jan 17, 2022
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
0 Reposts Aug 02, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
0 Reposts Aug 01, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
1 Repost Jul 22, 2013
When you see someone working on their journey, ENCOURAGE them, tell them to keep going, tell them they are doing a good job. To often to people criticize... they are not there yet but they are doing something about it!
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
1 Repost Jul 19, 2013
I've Simplified Mine and It Works Wonders! Stress-Free is the Way to Be!! Make it a Great Weekend!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
0 Reposts Jul 19, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
0 Reposts Jul 19, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
0 Reposts Jul 19, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
1 Repost Jul 03, 2013
Source;US Shaker.
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
1 Repost Jun 10, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by AwareMeBro13
3 Reposts Mar 20, 2013