
What I focus on in life is what I get. When I think about how powerful I'm & what I have left to contribute, that's what I get. I recognize that it's not what happens to u. It's what u do about it.
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Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Nov 20, 2013
Challenge yourself 2 be who u know ur capable of being Challenge yourself 2 follow through 2 live what u preach 2 WALK your talk Don't worry about how slowly u go As long as u keep doing ur thing ur still far ahead of ppl who r scared 2 even try
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Posted by Ania30
2 Reposts Aug 26, 2013
Stop caring what ppl think of ur body & goals. U'll never please anyone. Not everyone is going to want to look like u or ur goals. Ask yourself what body makes u happy & obtain it in a healthy way. Being strong & looking strong is beauty to me.
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Posted by Ania30
1 Repost Aug 22, 2013
There r many ppl out there who will tell u: u can't do it, forget it. But u don't listen. It's not how u roll. Commitment & dedication. It's not for weak or fearful. It takes time & hard work to reach ur goal. One day u'll look up & realize u did it.
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Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Aug 14, 2013
I'm going to achieve all my goals. Not because I have to, because I want to. There is no other choice to me. I'll not throw away my dreams because of fear. Remember failure in not an option, it's an opportunity to try again.
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
3 Reposts Aug 06, 2013
Follow ur dream. Take 1step @the time & don't settle for less. Just continue to climb. If u stumble, don't stop & lose sight of ur goal. Press to the top. For only on the top can we see the whole view. Can we see what we've done & what we can do.
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Posted by Ania30
1 Repost Jul 30, 2013
A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but the woman of strength knows it is the journey where she will become strong.
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Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jul 25, 2013
Begin doing what u want to do now. We r not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand & melting like snowflake.
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Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jul 20, 2013
In order to c results, u need to stay consistent. Your body is a work in progress. It takes time to make great things into being, but stay committed to ur dreams. Keep going & u'll get there.
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Posted by Ania30
2 Reposts Jul 16, 2013
The longer u have to wait for something the more u'll appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder u have to fight for something, the more it will be worth to u once u achieve it. Most great things don’t come easy but they are worth waiting for
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
1 Repost Jul 15, 2013
If u believe in yourself & have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if u are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
1 Repost Jul 13, 2013
By leaving behind ur old self & taking the leap of faith into the unknown u find out what u r truly capable of becoming When u stop seeing yourself for what u're not & begin to see yourself for what u can become u enable the chance for growth &change
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jul 09, 2013
ask yourself 'how bad do u want it' How much work ru willing to put forth for the things & ppl u want & need in ur life? Nothing gr8 comes without effort. But if t's really important 2u. Every risk, every step & every drop of sweat will be worth it.
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jul 08, 2013
They told u No Way, U Can't do it, forget it & give up. But that's not how u roll. COMMITMENT. T's not for the weak & fearful. It takes time & hard work to reach ur goal. It's only for those who willing to PUSH! So... How bad do u want it?
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
1 Repost Jul 06, 2013
My mind, body & spirit are STRONG. I go after my heart's desires. I can accomplish anything. I focus on my goal & have the strength to make it happen. I Choose To Be UNSTOPPABLE.
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Posted by Ania30
1 Repost Jul 01, 2013
Don't be average. Be the Best You can BE. Inside & out.
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Posted by Ania30
1 Repost Jun 28, 2013
We all have great inner power. The power is self-faith, self-belief. If you are willing to put hard work & sacrifice every day you WILL get there!
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jun 23, 2013
You are the Most you've ever been.You are the Best you've ever been. Aim to improve, to be better than You were before. The greatest victory is winning against self. Be More.
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
2 Reposts Jun 22, 2013
You must truly BElieve in YOUrself! You must end the"I'll give this a try" mindset. And switch to "I'm going to succeed" belief.
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jun 21, 2013
U can't drop 2 jeans sizes in 1 day. U won't loose 50 lbs in a week. U'll go a day or maybe two without working out. Ur weight will change throughout the day. U'll try new things that won't work. U'll want to give up. But ur only human U can do this!
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
One step 'choosing a goal & sticking to it' changing everything. Hard work, discipline & preseverance! Nothing worth having comes easy. Stay in it! Day by day, inch by inch, each rep, every workout.
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Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jun 20, 2013
The difference between your body this week & next week is what u do for the next 7 days to achieve your goals. Get serious!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
2 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
Excited to be a part of Strong To The COR. I look in the mirror... & I see my competition. I'm not trying to be better than anyone else, but never stop trying to be the Best I Can BE. Expect nothing but Results!
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jun 18, 2013
Live life to the limits & don't be afraid to chase your passion and your dreams. Give of yourself completely and & surrender to you goals. Just go & Do It!
Comment Repost
Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jun 18, 2013