
Oh, yeah.
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Posted by Adelphai
2 Reposts Nov 14, 2013
Miss my swimming days...
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Posted by Adelphai
2 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
Perseverance above all else. Perseverance is key.
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Posted by Adelphai
3 Reposts Nov 11, 2013
I like the article linked to the photo almost as much as I like her legs. She is squatting 130, and I am so inspired to get there.
I don't know what I like more in this picture: the meaning behind the words, or the way she is so flexible and so strong at the same time.
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Nov 02, 2013
Yes, it is.
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Posted by Adelphai
1 Repost Nov 02, 2013
Thinking about doing a Dirty Girl mud run to benefit breast cancer research. Should I do it??!?
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Nov 02, 2013
Love her body! I want these quads on my legs, eventually. No excuses! (Image reposted from SunnyShadows)
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 30, 2013
You certainly can fake a lot of things, but this isn't one of them! Thanks for the eye candy - er I mean image - Catherine aka ILoveFigure!
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 29, 2013
I promise myself that I will be one of the latter.
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 28, 2013
I need to remember this. I am too impatient!!
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Posted by Adelphai
1 Repost Oct 28, 2013 make the target of your focus positive!!
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 28, 2013
Tao Te Ching. A reminder to not let my current self-image get in the way of my future goals.
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 24, 2013
Keep your thoughts positive...everything else, including your own destiny, comes from that.
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 23, 2013
Ripped this from Eben Wilson's BS gallery. I love it, too! Fear is a liar...the truth is that we CAN.
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 21, 2013
Hell yeah! ....Wait, what is she holding? A bowling ball?? Does that count?
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 20, 2013
Ok, I am doing squats until I look like this. Seriously. Butt sweat and everything!
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 20, 2013
Thank you, Tin, for the image idea! I agree wholeheartedly.
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 18, 2013
I'm doing this for a healthier me...and maybe, if I'm lucky, a healthier mini me :)
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 18, 2013
The email I received from fitbit today! Didn't know these existed, but it is certainly encouraging!!
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 17, 2013
These are the people cheering you on, not the ones saying you are silly for trying!
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Posted by Adelphai
0 Reposts Oct 16, 2013