Every gym rat and bb.com user #itchingforahit #cantwaitforthegym #workslowexercisefast #nomotivationoutsidethegym #youmaybeagymrat #youmightgrowatailandwhiskers
one more reason to get yourself a home gym...#onemorereasonformetoopenupagym #idberollinginthedough #likethepillsburydoughboy #haha #smellslikecatfish #floorsaredirty #thestaffareworkingout #Ihatecontracts
The same guy who insists on going on the urinal right next tp you when there are about 15 other ones completely empty... #usureyourestraight? #whhyyyyyy #thisiswhyahomegymisamust
Seriously though, these games made people madddd #haha #oldmemotirs #arguingoverwhoshotwho #gettingmadehenyougeteliminsted ##whenyourat150%damageandyourfriendhitsyouwithaviciouspunchthatsendsyouflyingoffthescreen
This is dedicated to all the hard physical workers out there!!! #Iknowyourrplight! #Jesusdidtoo! #thatswhyhecameherelikeamanamongstus #dontworry #bringinthebaconforyourfamily #dotherightthing #nothingbutlove
You better believe this is every gym owner in the country!!! #theyseemerollingtheyhating #ridingdirty #rollinginthedough #breakingthebenjamins #laughingfakejew #harharhar #ballllllling!!!
*walks towards door, opens door and holds it as I look back and watch as I see people run towards the door saying thank you* #myfreactionwhenIseethis #haha #cmonrun! #keepupCJ!! #makeemsweatlol