Truth! this is why most americans can never get over the hump... no miracles, no diet pills, no magic will get you the results you want... JUST HARD WORK and DEDICATION!
Its never too early to get your kids exercising! We put on our matching shoes, matching shirt, etc and we go EXERCISE! He loves it ! Make it fun and bond with your little one with stuff you like to do too!
This one goes out to all the Bro's who skip leg day. And to all those guys who come to the gym in sweatpant all the time. This is also dedicated to all the guys that do curls in the squat rack, it's time for you to do some
I love this! get fit! Don't judge, we all start from different levels of fitness and nutrition. Just welcome them to the team! Team FIT!
hmu on instagram @mrjasontress