
7.12.2015 progress pic Damn…… I used to look good.
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Posted by 1arippedbdy
0 Reposts Aug 12, 2021
That struggle tho
All these FFUCKERS on Instagram be posing in their undies, on vacation, showing off new toys and I be like.....all y'all fukkingever have time to work?? #gimmeabreak
Sometimes, they easiest steps to fitness...... Are the ones you actually take. #getoutandlivethish!t
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Posted by 1arippedbdy
0 Reposts Sep 14, 2016
I know I'll suffer a backlash 4 this but.. How can you B most inspirational with hardly any activity on here Bspace Admin?
****. I was surprised to find out some close friends I know and looked up to 4 fitness had lipo but credit their fit abilities Anyone else know peeps like this
I'm definately not a city dweller but, Austin....... You had me at Move here! Would love to run in this climate morning or night!
Yup......this happens all the time at my gym! Well, when I get ta day dreamin' Dedicate and be more peeps
Nothing more sexy than dedication.....
I find that hard to believe Denver!
Yes..... This is my lip biting, want to bite YOU face!! Hahahahah sorry I don't know any of these models to give them credit..... Except myself. But thankyou to all for working your ***** off!!!
Stop wishing you'd done things different in your past And start making plans for your future! So true right? Sometimes we focus so much on what COULD'VE been, we're blinded from what CAN be! #goindeeptonight hahaha #Xmarksthespot
Comment Repost
Posted by 1arippedbdy
0 Reposts Oct 13, 2015
To all you broken #rainbows out there......Hang in there! You're still beautiful despite your #mistakes, #mishaps and #experiences. We all #fall, we all #fail. What we do from those #life experiences can become useful tools that make us #champions.
Don't we all Veruca...... Don't we all!! #snobbitch #abs #wantthemnow
I want to be just like these two right here. A fitness power in the world, jet settin' off to a city to watch a premier of a movie with other fitness powers! Maybe they're in it??? #datIFBB life tho!
Comment Repost
Posted by 1arippedbdy
0 Reposts Oct 08, 2015
Comment Repost
Posted by 1arippedbdy
0 Reposts Oct 05, 2015
Geeshhhhhh! That's a scary fucckkking thought! And funny how most people I've shown this to, stop and quickly run through the list in their minds. Hahaha
@frveryng Better?........
Sometimes I think, I work hard for a hard body to be worthy of a hottie like this! True inspiration!
I just want a swolemate/best friend to have amazing sex with!! I'm an Equal Opportunity Offender..... I went ahead and cleaned up the language for the sissy's that can't deal with real world sh!t......... Oooooopsy!
Dont mean to be a D!ck!........but I'm workin' here!!! Hahaahahahah
common idea that should really be a deep thought!
Hey all you fit Dads! Hope you have a good weekend and get a little selfish time in to enjoy.