General Health & Fitness

Haha I need this in a girl shirt :p been slacking on cardio got get back on it :)
Yes I did! :D
Until then it's still your muthafukin set ;)
Haha what were you thinking?! get your mind out of the gutter lol :p.....Happy Tuesday ya'll lets tear it up today!!!!! :D
I don't care about 7, unless it's gawking and I'd rather #8 that way they're not using my squat rack lol but other than that I love these gym rules lol :p
Haha too cute!! Lol :p
Comment Repost
Posted by muscleseeker
0 Reposts Nov 10, 2013
I need abs like that!
Lmao!! :P
Good advice :)
I would love to workout here and then go for a dip :D
Hehe I thought that was cute :D
Haha love Goku!