General Health & Fitness

Uh oh! A sip of whey and suddenly you're the HULK? Ladies, you know better than to believe this! Work it on out- lift weights, drink protein, earn results! :)
A friend, knowing my love-hate relationship with my quads, made this for me as a reminder :) Anyone else w/ muscular quads can attest that the 'skinny' jeans will stay on the shelf! Haha
TRUTH! Set goals, have a plan of attack, and ACHIEVE!!! Results- the only way to roll! :)
CONSISTENCY is key! Consistent efforts in the gym + clean eats made in the kitchen WILL earn results! If you're not seeing the results you're after, ask yourself (and be honest!) "Am I being consistent in all of my fitness efforts?" and get to work
Ladies, lift weights! :) And yes, cupcakes are still OK- either the protein treat kind or the real deal- but all in moderation!
I know my clients would appreciate this!
A small look into my fitness journey to the stage.
Haha, you know it!
Apparently someone stole my idea! LOL