General Health & Fitness

Love this pup...Growing season humor! #swolepatrol
#Goals Sustainability: Water!
Promises....promises....but they were all lies! #bwahaha! A true story I did NOT make up! The gift and the curse of being an #alphafemale
Get it in! In my Drake voice: "Make sure to hit 'em with the prenup, then tell that man to ease up!" ROTFLMBO! Just cause he "be in the gym" don't mean he's QUALIFIED!
Like a BOSS!
Reality check. .. The difference between healthy, unhealthy, maintainable and extreme!
...because "I'm in love with the Barbell!" (Remix of In love with the Coco by O.T. Genasis) #focused on my goals!
That look like i need more sleep...WAKE UP!
Body Appreciation Week stickers from school today! Too much like right I stick it on my bicep ... yep! Loving it!
Today my #HealthStudies professor told me"You have the gift to reach communities" The journey of being an #Athlete #RN #RYT #FitnessEducator #PersonalTrainer #Writer and becoming a #CertifiedHealthCoach & #RD
Be uniquely YOU!
Don't be afraid to #GetSweaty with your workouts!