General Health & Fitness

Chart is for reference for my article on Fat Loss - I will publish shortly.
Comment Repost
Posted by Tai1001
1 Repost Aug 02, 2014
Ramadan 2014: Fasting Day 23: ok so I missed a couple of days due heat and dehydration with severe headaches. However, today I managed to do a good workout! 23 down 7 fasts to go!! wooho!!
Ramadan 2014 - Fasting Day 22: so far I have lost 1-1.5% BF however, the energy levels after 19 hours of no food or water are very low. This includes going to gym on an empty stomach. STILL STRONG 8 TO GO!!
Ramadan 2014 - Day 15: HALF WAY THERE! 15 fasts to go! :D After 15 days I will have exactly 6 weeks to get my goal! So I will do the Jim Stoppani's 6 week STS program!!
Ramadan 2014 - Day 13: killed legs session, I made a new fasted personal record where I lifted 11,000kg (24,000 lbs) in 25 mins!!! this is 2000 kg (4000 lbs) more than my previous record! KEEP STRONG!! IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU!!!
Ramadan 2014 - Day 10: Awesome workout today, had enough energy to do a lot of chest and today I can feel my triceps are popping out of my skin! 10 fasts down 20 to go! STILL STRONG!! FOCUSSED!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Tai1001
0 Reposts Jul 08, 2014
Ramadan 2014 - Day 9: Skipped chest & tricep session, I had a very bad headache, traps are still in pain and I suspect that I have lost muscle as BF% was constant but weight dropped. However, it may just be the water I was dehydrated.
Ramadan 2014 - Day 7: I broke my fasted workout record by doubling my stats! Lost 0.4% BF in 3 days! 23 fasts to go!
Ramadan 2014 Day 6: It was very hot today - totally dehydrated so I skipped Legs session. Tomorrow I will combine Legs, Shoulder and abs and hit it hard!
Ramadan 2014 - Day 5: I destroyed the abs and chest today in a 25 min workout. I have learned how to preserve my energy to give maximum performance during my last hour of the 19 hour fast (no food or liquid).
Ramadan 2014 - Day 4: Warrior Diet is kicking in! I lost 0.4 % BF in the last 4 days! with 20mins workout!
Fasting - Ramadan 2014 - Day 3: Body has fully adapted to Warrior Diet and I had TONS OF ENERYGY!! looking forward to tomorrow!
Fasting - Ramadan 2014 - Day 2 Update (Felt very sick at the end)
Fasting - Ramadan 2014 - DAY 1 UPDATE
Comment Repost
Posted by Tai1001
0 Reposts Jun 29, 2014