General Health & Fitness

Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Apr 05, 2014
Note to self.....stop f"ing up a good week of eating, every Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Feb 24, 2014
VD, the gift that keeps on giving..... hahaha
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Feb 13, 2014
GUN powder... get some into you.
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Feb 06, 2014
.... no self service, got it! lmfao
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Jan 11, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Jan 08, 2014
been a while lol
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
1 Repost Jan 07, 2014
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Dec 28, 2013
I kinda like 3-3.5 of these images. Minus the fake looking boobs on 2 of them. Not keen on looking like a tranny. The only deceptive thing is, who knows if they're all the same height.
Ref guide. Uh oh..... this will be interesting.
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Dec 27, 2013
De ja vu, anyone? lol
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
3 Reposts Dec 27, 2013
like it
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Dec 26, 2013
hahaha not me at all, nope ;-P
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
3 Reposts Dec 19, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
1 Repost Dec 12, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Dec 11, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by MissDelish
0 Reposts Dec 09, 2013