General Health & Fitness

Ohhhhhh the pain! I even have bruises on my hips from doing bulk hip thrusts! Can't wait to get back to gym though haha #nopainnogain #nekleveldoms #penguinwalking
There's nothing like LOVE to make you feel good and to make others feel good! So listen with full attention when someone needs a friend, pay someone a genuine compliment (it will make their day!) and most importantly, love yourself!!! xo
Hahahaha :D
Gonna need some pre today... About 15mins from finishing work and was ready to rest my head on my desk for a nap haha. Think the weekend is catching up with me!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Mar 08, 2016
I have to say... I'm definitely a bit of both :D #girlygirl #fitchick
Haha yep I've been there before!! Have a great day fitfam :D Alli x
Haha I do this often :) "Next, next, next... Oh yeah this will do it!"
#murves #goals #sexybutstrong
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Jan 27, 2016
TGIF Fitfam! This is soooo gonna be me this afternoon! I can't wait to get to the gym and do Back, Biceps, Legs & Cardio!!! #countdownison #wishicouldleaplikethat
Amen!! Leave the drama and negativity behind you!! Focus on you and becoming the best person you can be, inside and out!! Alli x
I am proud to be apart of the Bodyspace community, made up of great people who support and give awesome encouragement to each other - keep it up guys!!!
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
1 Repost Jan 19, 2016
Hey Fitfam!! Good morning from Oz... hope you have an amazing day :)
Comment Repost
Posted by Malli13
0 Reposts Jan 14, 2016