General Health & Fitness

Ru familiar with the saying "if a great body came in a bottle everyone would have one" The truth is if u want a nice body u have 2 WORK FOR IT Every Single Day! There is no magic pill no luck.If u want a fit & healthy body u're going 2have to EARN IT
Ur body is a reflection of the life u live. I look at my life & ask if there is anything I am unhappy with right now. I honestly couldn’t find anything I wanted to change, and in turn, learned to accept my body more as a reflection of my happy life.
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Posted by Ania30
2 Reposts Sep 17, 2013
Do the Best you can until you know better. Than when you know better, do better.
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Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jul 04, 2013
Strong heart, Fit body, Clear skin, Toned muscles, Calm nerves, Happy soul, Big Smile. Want it? Eat right, excercise, sleep enough, xoxo Ania
There is nothing in this world that compares to the feeling of living a life that makes u HAPPY. But happiness doesn't come from a perfect life, it comes from a gretful life. I'm gretful each day 4 my accomplishments &struggles. They made me who am.
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Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
Getting in shape is all mental. Ur mind will give up before ur body does. Now if you are going to win a battle u have to do 1 thing. U have to make the mind to run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do bc the body will always give up.
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Posted by Ania30
1 Repost Jun 19, 2013
Whatever you are thinking, think bigger. Aim higher. Big results require Big Ambitions. Ania Partin
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Posted by Ania30
0 Reposts Jun 18, 2013