General Health & Fitness

Don't may see this in the next Olympics. :D
Ain't it the truth. :D
Too close to call. :D
Comment Repost
Posted by 001DMC
0 Reposts Dec 10, 2013
For all you bike enthusiasts. :D
You call that exercise? :D
For all of you out there who are trying to quit smoking. :D
I want legs like him. :D
Just getting ready for winter. :D
I thought I would get into the swing of things for Halloween. :D
I hope to god this was staged.
Comment Repost
Posted by 001DMC
0 Reposts Oct 28, 2013
I prefer sweet potatoe fries. :D
I'm pretty sure this is what my cat and dogare discussing when I see them in the kitchen. :D
What can I's Rodney. :D
Comment Repost
Posted by 001DMC
0 Reposts Sep 29, 2013
For all you Football fans.
Comment Repost
Posted by 001DMC
0 Reposts Sep 22, 2013
Remember, if you smoke, please quit. If you don't smoke, whatever you do, don't start, it's not worth it.
Comment Repost
Posted by 001DMC
0 Reposts Sep 19, 2013
Comment Repost
Posted by 001DMC
0 Reposts Sep 18, 2013
Not that this ever happens. :O
Please, no CURLING in the squat rack! :D
Comment Repost
Posted by 001DMC
1 Repost Sep 13, 2013