
The hip-popping, hair-tossing bikini division brought down the house. Although all these stunning women brought their best, only one can call herself champ. Tonight, Ashley Kaltwasser earned that right.
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Sep 30, 2013
Find out down to the very last detail on exactly how I train, eat, do cardio, supplementation, and final polishing tactics to get ready for a photo shoot.
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jul 09, 2013
I thought it was time to stop hiding behind the curtain and jump right into Fitness... blindfold and all. This is my journey and these are my tips to help you along the right path... Read on for the details.
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
You want to present your best package at a figure contest. This means not only your physique and suits, but also your hair, makeup, skin-tone... Get a detailed list right here of what should & shouldn't bring with you!
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jun 19, 2013
The critical placement judging takes place during the prejudging. Here are the secrets you have to know, win or lose, in your first show! Find out more.
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Posted by rachelg0310
2 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
It is hysterical thinking back at that first show. I came into it completely unprepared and still left in awe at the fact that I had come in last place. Believe it or not, criticism from the judges is meant to help... not insult! Learn more here!
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
If you have been thinking about competing in a bodybuilding contest then you have come to the right place! Get some great tips right here to get you started. Bonus material: Sample day of my off season.
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
Over time judges have gravitated toward a longer-waisted, longer-proportioned type of body for figure competitions. Get the inside story on judging and placements.
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
How can you make a workout appealing to a beginner? Getting a friend to start working out is not the hardest part. The hardest part is sticking with it. Overcome the fear and intimidation from these valuable training tips! Learn more.
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
Follow my plan to the T and the trophy will be engraved with your name!
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jun 14, 2013
Have your ever thought about entering a bodybuilding competition but have no idea what to expect? Check out this comprehensive guide to preparing for a contest!
If bodybuilding competition is something you've been thinking about, then my advice is to use the directions provided in this article and make your competition goals a reality.
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Posted by rachelg0310
0 Reposts Jun 06, 2013