
Pictured from my October photoshoot Got to work on my back major goal for 2017 before competing again.
Becoming rep at a time.
When dat gym locker room lighting is f***ing good.
Post Push day
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Posted by historyfreak660
0 Reposts May 01, 2016
Competition: OCB in Syracuse, NY for physique. Laser focused on my goal!
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Posted by historyfreak660
0 Reposts Jun 04, 2015
These are the physique comps I am planning on wanting to enter. The ones I am going to enter the one in November not sure if I am going to do the one in May.
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Posted by historyfreak660
0 Reposts Feb 12, 2015
When preping for physique competitions...others be like what the heck
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Posted by historyfreak660
0 Reposts Jul 18, 2013