
Red or blue!?! Please help I'm not sure which color suit to go with this season! I'm meeting with my design on Jan. 30th. The style and connectors of these two suits is the style I'm going with but I'm still not sure which color. Thanks for the help!
2nd place! I'm in the green suit second from the left. My legs look great I'm so happy! It was a large group with dialed in girls! Time for off season and getting my body ready for a great 2016 season!
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Posted by elainejurun
0 Reposts Nov 23, 2015
1st in my group on left me on the right. I like to put my photo side by side the winner to see where I need to go from here. I looked at all the ladies I wouldn't want to be a judge it we all looked great! Also congrats to the winner and new pro!
Fasted cardio this morning. Let the cut down begin!
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Posted by elainejurun
0 Reposts Jun 08, 2015
I signed up for a competition on the 20th of June. I didn't think I would be ready because of my last injury but my coach said go for it. He thinks I'm ready so what the heck I have nothing to lose! Cut down starts tomorrow. :)
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Posted by elainejurun
0 Reposts Jun 07, 2015
Yep, that sounds about right. Everyone thinks it's the easiest discipline in bodybuilding but it's really hard to balance. You want a little softness and still have muscle. They want you to have muscle but don't want to see it. Can't win! Lol
The pictures came up online from my last show. I'm very happy with how my back side has improved! I still need to work on my posing. :)
My I'm happy because im eating carbs again pose! Lol
One more day till show time! I'm starting to get a like nervous. I have a huge group and I'm competing in one of the largest amateur shows in the country. My goal has always been to place top five at this show. I hope all my hard work paid off!
My suit finally came today! It was lost in the mail but finally found! Getting really excited for Saturday! It fits perfect and the crystals shine great. :)
5 days and a wake up and it's show time!!!
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Posted by elainejurun
0 Reposts May 04, 2015