
I'm In Are You
post chest pump
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Nov 16, 2013
We 'Mirin Special Edition: Strong and Shredded
Create a video that inspires others to get a beast body like yours! You could win a trip for two to spend Joe Weider’s Olympia Weekend in Las Vegas with Team BEAST.
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Jul 01, 2013
*2013 $100,000 Transformation Challenge Story.*
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts May 22, 2013
Although it's a new division, men's physique has taken the NPC and IFBB by storm! Learn more about what makes this class special and get some advice from the competition.
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts May 11, 2013
Staying lean and Mean
April 20th
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Apr 29, 2013
silhouette of your Truly, Me :)
*2013 $100,000 Transformation Challenge Story.*
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Apr 25, 2013
April 20th 100K Final pic
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2013
April 20th, Final pics for the 100K transformation Challenge
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Apr 22, 2013
Back Double Bicep final pic for the 100K transformation challenge. Come check me out my friends, Let me know what you think.
March 26th, Almost to the Finish Line
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Mar 28, 2013
Registered for This 10K in September with the Wife. Should be alot of Fun.
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Mar 09, 2013
March 6th Halfway point of the 100K transformation contest. Gettin some abs!
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Mar 07, 2013
Check out our coverage of the 2013 Arnold Sports Festival beginning Feb. 28 in Columbus, Ohio. Find exclusive webcast coverage, galleries, previews, results, reviews
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Posted by TerrySmithJr
0 Reposts Mar 02, 2013