
I'm constantly evaluating myself, looking for ways to improve. I'm leaner; lost some size in my bi's & Tri's but overall the symmetry is a little better and tanning made a huge difference. Calves & hamstrings continue to be my weak points.
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Posted by BigboyRags
0 Reposts Nov 23, 2016
Back-Attack! Hit the back hard this afternoon. I'm really trying to work on the thickness. I focused on the upper and lower back today; I hit my Lats using moderate weight but nothing too strenuous.
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Posted by BigboyRags
0 Reposts Jun 28, 2016
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Posted by BigboyRags
0 Reposts Jun 22, 2016
Totally crushed my forearms today....INSANE PUMP!
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Posted by BigboyRags
0 Reposts Jun 18, 2016
Shoulders & Traps today. Got a good pump; I feel really good - looking forward to a great Father's Day weekend with the fam! Happy Father's Day to all my fellow Fitness Dads.
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Posted by BigboyRags
0 Reposts Jun 17, 2016
Bi's and Forearms today. Last day of the workout week for me. I had a great fitness week; pushed it really hard. I'll rest tomorrow & get ready for QUAD Monday! Have a good weekend.
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Posted by BigboyRags
0 Reposts Jun 11, 2016
Hit chest & Tri's today. Working hard to get that semetry between my left and right arm.
Totally smashed my Bi's and forearms today. 70 days out from my next Comp! Lifting with an absolute vengence.
I am beginning to see more symmetry with my biceps. I started doing an extra set on my left of whatever bicep excerises I was doing.
Excited about competing next year. Working hard on my symmetry - CALVES ARE TOUGH TO GROW but I'll get there!